About Antlogic
Antlogic company started as iOS software development company in 2009.
After opening of the Mac App Store in January, 2011 we switched to macOS, releasing the To-do Lists application at the end of February, 2011. It had major success, hitting the top rankings at the App Store and receiving overall good user reviews.
While work on the To-do Lists continued, we implemented Antnotes application - simple free sticky notes with additional paid version for those who wanted to support the development. It was released at the end of March, 2014 and since then got nearly 1 million downloads worldwide.
At some point we found out that it would be really handy to have small popup calendar in the menu bar of the macOS. Existing applications didn’t fit well - were too obtrusive, with huge amount of unneeded functions, so we decided to fill this gap with Mini Calendar application. It was released in April, 2016 getting 100k+ downloads since then.
Release of the Mini Calendar application and continuous user feedback brough us to an idea of switching to ‘supportware’ software distribution model: release applications for free without any limitations in functionality, but allowing users, willing to support us, pay any amount they want.
Right now we continue the development and support of our applications, focusing on To-do Lists 2.0 major upgrade. Currently it is available as the fully-functional beta version, free for download.